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Scholarships / Endowments

Brother Matthew Burke Scholarship Fund

Brother Matthew Burke was a former teacher and principal at Nazareth during the 60s and 70s who was beloved by many. In November 2020 at age 82, he passed away from a dementia related illness.

In his deserving memory, Nazareth Regional HS, with the help/support of alumni, formalized the Brother Matthew Burke Scholarship Fund with a core focus on recognizing deserving juniors as they enter their senior year as well as building a source of funds to help the school towards projects that benefit all students. This is an annual scholarship fund open to donations by all and is now in its’ 5th year – having reached the cumulative $161K mark this past year.

Learn more or donate to the Brother Matthew Burke Scholarship Fund

The Lieutenant Michael T. Russo Nazareth RHS Scholarship Fund

Lt. Michael T. Russo FDNY

This Scholarship Fund is in memory of Lieutenant Michael T. Russo, FDNY, Class of 1975. Michael tragically lost his life in the line of duty, while responding to the attacks at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. He was 44 years of age at the time and was survived by his wife, Theresa, and their son, Michael, Jr.

The Lt. Michael T. Russo FDNY Scholarship Fund has been established to honor his memory and in remembrance of the courage of all of those who gave their lives to save others, several of whom were also graduates of Nazareth Regional High School.

Learn more or donate to the Lieutenant Michael T. Russo Nazareth RHS Scholarship Fund

Class of 1967 Endowment Fund

1967 Endowment

Historically, the class of 1967 has been the greatest supporters of any graduating class in Nazareth’s history and we continue to be in constant contact with each other. A few years ago, we decided to direct our donations to an Endowment which, upon reaching a certain critical mass, would be able to offer a scholarship each year to a student deemed worthy at the discretion of the Nazareth staff based upon the student’s need, ethics, scholastic performance and potential.

Learn more or donate to the Class of 1967 Endowment Fund

Coach Will Naz Track School Grant

Will Thomas Scholarship

The Coach Will Naz Track School Grant was created to assist track student athletes, who without help could not afford a private Catholic Education. Students are chosen based on their need as well as academic performance.

Learn more or donate to the Coach Will Naz Track School Grant

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