Nazareth is a family. We have a dedicated staff, and in a small high school environment we know every student as an individual. We are able to pat them on the back when they are doing well and reach out with a helping hand when they need it. Our students are in the building not just from first period to last period, but early in the morning and late in the evenings, doing homework, working in their clubs, playing sports, and spending time with their friends for a full high school experience.
100% Graduation Rate
98% of Graduates
Attend College
$10 Million in Scholarships
Potential to Earn
50 College Credits
Before Graduation
Laptop for Every Students
3D Virtual Lab & 3D Printing
Google Classroom to Help
Bring Education to Life
Computer Coding Course
for Freshmen
Co-Ed College Catholic Prep Program
Competitive Robotics & Engineering Clubs
Arthur Ashe/SUNY Downstate
Pre-Med Program
Fine Arts Program
Parents have 24/hr Internet Access
to Grades & Assignments
Wide Variety of Sports &
Extra-Curricular Programs
After-School Homework Assistance
& Tutoring Available
Transfer Students Welcomed
at Every Grade Level
A Safe, Caring Learning Environment